money talk

Monday, December 18, 2006

Smart Ways to Trim Your Budget

.Cut your budget without cutting the fun from your life

Summary: Find out how to reduce your total expenses and still have enough to have fun and enjoy the things you love. Know which ones you can cut down and know which ones you can’t.

You know it’s time to re-evaluate your spending habits if: after you’ve settled all your bills when you receive your paycheck, you find that you barely have enough to last until your next salary. You live on your credit cards and can’t seem to figure out where all your money goes. When this happens, you may be living beyond your means. You need to get yourself out of the red, and you can start your arduous climb back into the black by redoing your budget.

You can do this by first evaluating all your expenses and trimming the fat. Determine which of your expenses are needed, and which aren’t. When you do this, you will see that housing and payment of utilities eat up a great big chunk of your money. If you think that it is impossible to adjust the cash outflow when it comes to utilities, you are mistaken.

If mortgage payments cost you an arm and a leg, you can request that your loan be refinanced. To reduce utility bills, use electricity wisely. Do your laundry once a week (instead of twice weekly), hand wash dishes, limit the use of heaters (and air conditioning units) by wearing more sweaters (or utilizing shades, blinds or drapes). These may seem insignificant, but you would be surprised how much these can help.

Be diligent in using your cars. Accumulated gasoline charges add up, and if you can ride with friends, take the train (or bus) or just walk to the office, you will see that, not only will your expenses be reduced you’ll also be healthier. If you really need to use your car, schedule other activities such as picking up the groceries, or the laundry to make the most out of your gas mileage.

Food also takes up a big chunk of your budget. No, reducing your budget does not mean you should not eat, but you should try to limit your dining out activities. This goes for lunch as well as dinner. Bring sandwiches or fruits to work. Drink more water and less juice or cola. Again, not only will you save money, but you will be healthier too! And if you’re healthier, there will be lesser chances of you rushing to the hospital for costly medical treatment. In case this is necessary, buy generic drugs instead of the branded ones.

Finally, check your shopping history. What kinds of clothes do you wear and how often do you go out to buy garments. If you are intent on reducing your expenses, you may have to limit your shopping. If shopping is really “essential” to your lifestyle, then re-evaluate your purchases. Instead of buying trendy expensive items, select classic clothes that will never look out of date. Evaluate your wardrobe too, and purchase items that will complement whatever you already have. You can also buy clothes from factory outlets, where you can get an original item at a fraction of the price.


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